Did you know that 30,000-35,000 Holocaust survivors in America are living in poverty? John and Amy Israel Pregulman heard this shocking statistic and took action.
Determined to help these elderly Jews who have already suffered so much, John and Amy formed KAVOD (“dignity/honor/respect” in Hebrew) to help them live their remaining years with dignity and grace.
KAVOD partners with Jewish Family Service as well as other charitable organizations, to provide survivors with gift cards to get the life essentials they need. There are now 22 KAVOD communities serving survivors all over the United States, so that no Holocaust survivor will have to suffer the privations of poverty.
John is a talented photographer who, in addition to providing survivors with charitable donations, photographs them and presents them and their families with beautiful prints to preserve their memory. John has traveled all over the world, and to date has photographed close to 600 Holocaust survivors.
We are so appreciative to KAVOD for making sure elderly Holocaust survivors in need are not forgotten, and we honor John and Amy Israel Pregulman as this week’s Thursday Heroes.
Learn more: kavodensuringdignity.com
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