*These images do not depict recipients of aid from KAVOD. Those receiving aid are confidential. The images are of Holocaust Survivors from across the globe and have been taken by John Pregulman since 2012.
Help Us Ensure Dignity for Holocaust Survivors
Recent studies indicate that 38,400 Holocaust Survivors are living in the United States, and more than 30% are living near poverty. It is unconscionable and unacceptable that these courageous people, who’ve endured so much already, are living their remaining years struggling with day-to-day essential needs. KAVOD was created to help these Survivors live their remaining years with dignity and honor.
100% of all donations received by KAVOD are distributed for Holocaust Survivors Emergency unmet needs.
KAVOD was created in November 2015 in Memphis, TN to help Holocaust Survivors in the US live the remainder of their lives comfortably and with dignity. KAVOD partners with Jewish Family Service and other Human Services organizations across the United States that work with Survivors. The agency makes requests on behalf of the Survivors on a confidential basis. KAVOD provides aid by paying a provider directly or by purchasing a gift card from local grocery stores or pharmacies to prevent any cash outlay by the Holocaust Survivor. The intent is to assist them with whatever emergency or day-to-day needs that they have so they can live comfortably. These dollars are in place as a secondary resource to help fill the gap for Emergencies. The decisions of KAVOD are overseen by a diverse and experienced Board of community leaders, most of whom are children of Survivors.
How We Serve
KAVOD serves Holocaust Survivors in over 60 communities across the United States along with raising awareness about this crisis.
Due to this effort, over 95,000 Emergencies have been filled as a secondary resource since we began. The need is growing every day and we have limited time to support this vulnerable senior community regardless of where they live.